Seoul Airport

Day 0

After a 10-hour flight from Tel-Aviv to Seoul, I arrived at the Incheon airport at 17:00 local time. Korean airlines were pleasant  –  they had cushions and blankets in the economy class, good meals and a perception of fast service – they brought meals in many quick rounds, every time bringing a little dish, instead of moving slowly through the rows with a huge cart. The flight to Mongolia was delayed due to bad weather, so I had more than enough time to explore the airport, which turned to be an attraction in it’s own right.

Flight delay meant that I was about to miss the World Cup final. While half the world was to watch world’s number 1 sport event, I was to watch air safety tips on board of the plane. Cursing my bad luck, I passed the time stumbling through the airport, talking to a Russian pianist returning to Vladivostok after a long stay in Japan and reading “Hearing Birds Fly” – Englishwoman’s account of her stay in a lost Mongolian village. Finally, at 02:00 at night I boarded the plane to Ulaanbaator, and 3 hours later I made my way through the Genghis Khan airport.

Recreation of royal family procession attracted many tourist eyes
The Cultural Experience zone offers tourists a chance to practice Korean calligraphy. For some reason, it’s free only for foreigners.
This Korean TV channel broadcasts StarCraft professional league games. With enthusiastic commentary in the background.
These nice looking seats turned to be much less comfortable for sleep then what their look suggests
Map of the airport gates reveals that gates 13, 25, 29 are missing.

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