Day 0
After a 10-hour flight from Tel-Aviv to Seoul, I arrived at the Incheon airport at 17:00 local time. Korean airlines were pleasant – they had cushions and blankets in the economy class, good meals and a perception of fast service – they brought meals in many quick rounds, every time bringing a little dish, instead of moving slowly through the rows with a huge cart. The flight to Mongolia was delayed due to bad weather, so I had more than enough time to explore the airport, which turned to be an attraction in it’s own right.
Flight delay meant that I was about to miss the World Cup final. While half the world was to watch world’s number 1 sport event, I was to watch air safety tips on board of the plane. Cursing my bad luck, I passed the time stumbling through the airport, talking to a Russian pianist returning to Vladivostok after a long stay in Japan and reading “Hearing Birds Fly” – Englishwoman’s account of her stay in a lost Mongolian village. Finally, at 02:00 at night I boarded the plane to Ulaanbaator, and 3 hours later I made my way through the Genghis Khan airport.